
Important Resources to Improve Your Sleep Hygiene – Ballarat

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How to Sleep Better?

There are many things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep based on your comfort and habits. Here are a few easy and effective ways to maintain your sleep hygiene:

  • Adjust the Room Temperature

    When you go to sleep, your body’s core temperature drops. So a cooler room often leads to a better night’s sleep. 16 to 18 degrees Celsius is an ideal temperature range for sleep. Any higher and you may have a restless night.

  • Avoid Drinking Liquids Before Bed

    While you’re asleep, your body produces hormones that slow down urine production, but drinking a lot of liquids at bedtime may counteract this, so your bladder wakes you for bathroom visits during the night.

  • Bright Light In the Daytime

    Bright morning light tells your body that it’s time to be awake and regulates your sleep-wake cycle. So try to spend some of your morning outside. Bright light at night has the same effect on your body, so to sleep better try and avoid bright light from any source in the evening, especially from electronic devices that shine light into your eyes.

  • Chamomile Tea

    Chamomile tea is a mild sedative that may help you to sleep better and wake up less frequently during the night. Although it’s been used for centuries, there haven’t been any definitive scientific studies that show it’s actually effective. Check with your doctor if you’re taking other medications as Chamomile may interact with them.

  • Choose a Good Mattress

    A good quality mattress can make a big difference to your sleep quality. If you suffer from back or shoulder pain, changing to a better mattress can have a significant impact on your sleep.

  • Choose the Right Pillow

    The best pillow for a good night’s sleep depends a lot on how you like to sleep; tummy, back, side or, all over the place. If you’ve been sleeping on the same pillow for some time, it might be past its use-by date. And if you have back or shoulder pain, choosing a good quality pillow can help you sleep better.

  • Dim the Lights at Night

    Turning the lights down in the evening helps to set your body up for sleep. How? By stimulating it to produce the sleep hormone, melatonin. Melatonin is mainly released after dark, so encourage your body to produce melatonin by dimming the lights for a few hours before bedtime.

  • Do Stretches

    Do some stretching before bed to get you back in touch with your body and put the stress of the day behind you. It can relieve muscle tension and help prevent night cramps. But don’t overdo it. At bedtime, gentle stretches work best to help you sleep better.

  • Enjoy a Bath

    Your body temperature naturally falls at night. Treat yourself to a hot bath 2 hours before bedtime. It will raise your body temperature. The temperature dip that follows is likely to help you sleep better.

  • Exercise Regularly

    Regular exercise is a good way to improve your sleep quality. A morning workout can lead to deeper sleep cycles and more time asleep. Exercise in the morning sun gives you a double whammy because it also helps to regulate your sleep/wake cycle.

  • Kick the Smoking Habit

    If you’re a smoker, you probably find that a cigarette relaxes you, however, the nicotine in cigarettes won’t help you to sleep better. That’s because nicotine is actually a stimulant that can interfere with your sleep quality. 

    Also, because it’s so addictive, nicotine withdrawal symptoms can wake you in the night. Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall health, including your sleep.

  • Listen to Music

    When you’re trying to find out how to sleep better, don’t overlook the power of music. Listening to music that you like causes your body to release dopamine, a feel-good hormone. A soothing tune can help you relax, shrug off stress and put you in the mood for sleep. Music can also help to mask background noises that interfere with your sleep. 

  • Magnesium

    Magnesium may help you sleep better by activating the parts of your nervous system that make you feel calm and relaxed. It also regulates melatonin, a hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycles. Magnesium is found in water, green vegetables, nuts, cereals, meat and fish. You can also take magnesium as a supplement.

  • No Alcohol

    While it may make you sleepy, an alcoholic nightcap won’t actually help you sleep better and it can disrupt your sleep patterns, in particular, interfere with your dreaming. It also suppresses your normal breathing pattern, which can cause snoring and sleep apnoea. Sleep experts recommend drinking no more than 2 standard drinks a day if you don’t want to adversely affect your sleep quality.

  • No Coffee at Night

    Drinking coffee at night may make it more difficult to sleep properly. You may have trouble falling asleep after an evening coffee. You may also find it hard to stay asleep. Your bladder may wake you for a bathroom visit during the night, as caffeine encourages your body to produce more urine. Some people are so sensitive to caffeine that they need to avoid it from lunchtime onwards.

  • Play Pink Noise

    Pink noise is a sound that you can play to help enhance your sleep quality. It is similar to the sound you hear in waterfalls, thunder or heavy rain. Scientists aren’t sure how it helps you sleep better, but clinical studies are underway to understand more about its effects on sleep. There are devices that play pink noise to help you sleep better or you could download a pink noise app.

  • Power Nap

    An afternoon nap is often tempting, but it can interfere with your night-time sleep. If you do need a snooze, make it a power nap of 20 minutes or less. Set an alarm so you don’t sleep too long or too deep. This way you’ll awake refreshed and it won’t interfere with your night-time sleep.

  • Quiet Please

    Background noise can make it hard for you to get to sleep and stay asleep. Noise that repeatedly disrupts your sleep can cause daytime fatigue, difficulty thinking and mood changes. Your choices are to move to a quieter room (not always possible), wear earplugs or play sounds to mask the noise. 

    Try streaming music or pink noise to mask background noise to help you sleep better. There are apps that play soothing sounds of waves, rain or waterfalls. Noise-cancelling headphones may also work for you. If a snoring partner is disrupting your sleep, urge them to seek treatment so you can both sleep better. 

  • Read a Book

    Reading can be a very good way to relax and take your mind off the worries of the day. Reading can help you fall asleep faster but, if it’s a real page-turner, you may find it actually keeps you awake. If you keep reading past your normal bedtime it’ll be harder to fall asleep. Sleep experts tell us to reserve the bedroom for sleep and sex, so it may be better to read in the living room before going to bed and don’t let that exciting book keep you up late.

  • Relax now

    Take time to wind down before going to bed. Don’t interact with social media, emails or texts in bed. Play a meditation app instead, calm your thoughts and put the day’s worries behind you.

  • Rule Out Sleep Apnoea

    Sleep apnoea is a secret sleep stealer. It disrupts your sleep by interfering with your breathing when you’re asleep. You could have sleep apnoea without knowing it. Tell-tale signs include snoring, daytime sleepiness and grumpiness. If you think sleep apnoea may be affecting your sleep quality, take the online sleep assessment to see if you’re at risk. A home sleep test will help measure the severity. Treatment for sleep apnoea can help you to sleep better and enjoy more energetic days.

  • Select Foods That Aid Sleep

    While the jury is still out on which foods help or interfere with sleep quality, anecdotal evidence suggests that cherries, milk, whole grains, bananas, turkey and sweet potato, eaten before bedtime, can help promote sleep. Avoid high protein, spicy or fatty foods, especially if you’re prone to heartburn. Chocolate is also a no-no at bedtime because it contains caffeine. Let your dinner digest for a good 2 to 3 hours before you go to bed.

  • Valerian Root Tea

    Valerian is a herb that is claimed to have a sedating effect and may reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep. Check with your doctor if you’re taking other medications as they may interact with valerian.

  • Warm Socks

    Pull-on some nice soft bed socks. Wearing socks to bed may not be fashionable but with warm feet, you may be able to fall asleep faster and sleep better. And if you tend to wake in the night with cold feet, you’ll agree that sleep quality trumps fashion.

Over 40 Years of Experience

Guidelines for a Good Night’s Sleep

Good sleep habits are often referred to as good sleep hygiene. There are many things that can be done to improve sleep. Here, we will give you some guidelines for what you should and should not do for a good night’s sleep. Many people have trouble with their sleep. If you are one of them, some of these simple things may help.

View Sleep Guidelines

Good Sleep Habits – Overview

  • Many things can help you have a better night’s sleep
  • Keep regular times for going to bed and getting up
  • Relax for an hour before going to bed
  • Avoid going to bed on a full or empty stomach
  • If you are not asleep after 20 minutes in bed, go to another room until you feel tired again
  • Many poor sleepers spend too long in bed
  • Keep distracting things out of the bedroom
  • Get some sunlight during the day
  • Most adults of all ages need 7-8 hours of sleep a day
  • An evening nap can make it hard to sleep at night

If you have more questions about sleeping better, give us a call on 03 5331 9489.

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