First Appointment

Take the First Step Towards Unobstructed Sleep – Clinic in Ballarat

Schedule an Appointment

First Step Towards Healthy Sleep

Please call us and have a chat with our friendly staff about your sleep problems, TMJ problems or your teeth clenching and grinding issues.


If you have already had a sleep study then please email it to us or bring it to your first appointment so we can assess what the best treatment option could be for treating your sleep apnoea.


Please feel free to ask about our payment options as well.

Do you have Sleep Apnoea?

This nine-question online self-assessment is the first step in discovering how likely you are to have sleep apnoea. All you need to do is select the answers that sound most like you. At the end of the online sleep apnoea test, you will get an instant indication of your potential risk for a sleep apnoea diagnosis.

Sleep Apnoea Test FAQs

  • Why should I take a sleep apnoea test?

    If you suspect you may be suffering from sleep apnoea then you’re likely already aware it’s a potentially serious and definitely disruptive sleep disorder. If ignored it will only get worse and could have negative effects on your health. Taking a free online sleep apnoea test is the first step to diagnosis and treatment.

  • What are the warning signs of sleep apnoea?

    Do you snore loudly? Do you often wake up tired, irritable and unfocused after a good night’s sleep? Do you toss and turn at night? If those common sleep apnoea symptoms sound like you, don’t dismiss it for a second longer and take the sleep apnoea test.

  • How do I find out if I have sleep apnoea?

    Our online sleep test is the first step to find out how likely you are to have sleep apnoea. Following the self-assessment, we’ll provide guidance on the next steps you should take and whether to make a booking. You don’t need a referral from a GP to make an appointment with us.

  • Can I test myself for sleep apnoea?

    The only way to be certain is with a sleep study which allows for a definitive diagnosis. We can arrange a sleep study for you which involves a portable monitor that can be used in the comfort of your own home.

  • What treatments are available for sleep apnoea?

    It can be confusing looking at the number of treatments available, especially when they vary greatly in their effectiveness and comfort for the patient. Custom-fit oral appliances are generally regarded by sleep experts as the most comfortable option for treating sleep apnoea and the best available treatment for snoring.

First Appointment

At your first appointment, Dr Deborah Sykes will discuss your medical history, main concerns and previous sleep therapy. She will examine your mouth and teeth as well as your bite, TMJ and any particular issues that you suffer from in regards to sleep.

In conjunction with your GP and a specialist sleep or respiratory physician or ENT surgeon, the best type of treatment for your sleep apnoea will be recommended. 

The newest technology and design in sleep appliance therapy will be shown to you and you will no doubt agree that it is a great improvement over the larger bulkier acrylic appliances of yesteryears.

This is also a great opportunity to have any of your questions answered, including what to expect, ease of use, comfort level, longevity, effectiveness etc.

During this consultation, we will discuss your sleep study, the severity of your sleep apnoea, the impact it has on your health and quality of life, and the best form of treatment we can provide you.

If you haven’t had a sleep study previously then we will help coordinate this with your GP and one of our local Sleep Technicians.

It is an easy process now with the newest technology allowing you to have a home test with minimal interruption to your daily routine.

We will recommend an ideal treatment for you. We offer flexible no interest payment plans. Please feel comfortable to discuss finance with us call us now.

Feel free to call us on 03 5331 9489 for more information.

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